Valuation Advice

Our team of specialist chartered accountants deliver robust, defendable and independent business and intangible asset valuations, drawing on their deep technical expertise gained from postgraduate valuation qualifications and on their first-hand market knowledge from extensive deal execution experience. 

We value businesses, equity interests, intellectual property and intangible assets across a diverse range of industries and for a variety of purposes, including: 

Transaction Support - sale and acquisition of businesses, shares and intangible assets, succession planning, and bank finance applications. 

Dispute Resolution - expert witness reports and opinions for mediation and court proceedings including shareholder and contract disputes, minority interest oppression matters and single-expert reports for matrimonial (Family Law) disputes. 

Our experience includes preparing reports and offering expert advice for matters before the Supreme Courts of New South, Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. We have acted as a court-appointed single expert for the Family Court of Australia and the Family Court of Western Australia.

Taxation and Restructuring Activities – taxation compliance and dispute resolution including capital gains tax, options and share-based payments, stamp duty, and related-party transactions. 

Financial Reporting – compliance with financial reporting standards including purchase price allocations, impairment testing, employee share and option schemes.

Interested in having a confidential and obligation-free discussion about our Valuation Services?